The final product that I have created has really fitted with my theme really well in my opinion because through out my blog I have said that I wanted to create something that was to an urban theme of Brighton and so I researched that and found a photographer that I thought used the same sought of techniques as I wanted to use and had the final piece like I wanted to produce but with a different area this was Lee Casaleena he was the inspiration for the final pieces that I created.
I am really happy with the final outcome apart from some small things, for example I really like that I have been able to incorporates the most famous piece of graffiti in brighton into it which was really key for me because people can really relate to something know and understand already.
I think the project was quite a quick project because once you’ve understood how the stitching process works and once you’ve got your head around taking the photo’s you can fly through your work, the only time consuming thing in this project is when light is not in your favor on one of your images and there is a massive mix match of colours from one image to another and that can take up a lot of time. The blog itself is really not time consuming because you up date it as you go so it just becomes natural.
I think my project doe’s answer the brief that we was given because I have successfully created a panorama which flows and has been stitched together and runs all the way around in 360 degrees with a repeated pattern and theme of my work running throughout.
I think when I was creating my final piece I used the best methods that I could have to produce my work and only using non destructive methods to edit the photo’s and stitching the image together, this is good because with this I can always go back over my work and make the changes that I might need after I received my crit from the audience. The crit was really helpful in this project as I could now go back and look over my project and take into consideration of my ideas and the methods of other people.
But overall I think if I was to go back and do this project over again there would be some things that I would change. First of all I think I would plan my location a lot more for this project because the time scale for it was a lot smaller than any other projets I have been given so should have looked into more detail of where I was going to take my images because I think my second one I think was taken in a really hard spot because of the slant and the amounts of tones and lines in the image and this made it a huge challenge to complete.
Second I think that I would take a lot more time stitching the photo’s together because I think if I did this some of my images would be to a much higher standard than they ended up in the end of the project. Furthermore I think I should have looked into my methods of stitching images together because then I would know of many other ways to get around problems that my images might have created as I was going through.
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