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Thursday 19 January 2012



Looking back on my project there has been some ups and down and in this evaluation i want to look back at what i've done well and what i have done badly in this project and in some cases what i would do differently if i was to approach this again.
So first of all i want to look at the good things that i achieved in this project, this was that i was able to create a leaflet that all corresponded together and fitted to the theme and the brief to what i wanted to to create in the end. These are in the style of a artist called Ben Heine who i think fits the project really well and the posters play on the themes and styles that he creates.

Furthermore I think in this project I was really successful in creating a pitch to show my work because it gave me some really good feedback on my project which really helped me through my designs and changing my work to create something that was much stronger than the first designs that I had looked at.

The research that I had done really did effect the final thinking behind my project because some of the graphic designers really did influence me in the decisions on how I laid out my leaflet and how I wanted to approach my project.

The things that I think I could have improved and probably taken more time to plan everything and keep my sketch book up to date because I think if I could look back on some of the work that I had done like plans and mood boards I think I could have looked at some of the inspiration again and take my ideas further because the way that I did it I forgot some of the good ideas I came up with because of the lack of getting the ideas on paper.

Also I realised that the posters themselves did not have as much effort as the leaflet itself because I really enjoyed et leaflet design because it’s something I really have interest in because it is possibly what I want to do in the future as a profession, so I think I should have put my time slightly more equally across the different things that I had to create and I think they would have all been to the same standard as the others.

If I was to do the project over again I would put a lot more effort into the sketch book work because I think this is the only part that is lacking in my project because if this was stronger my grade and my ideas would have been a lot more stronger. Furthermore I think I would really put a lot more effort in designing different mock ups to my project this gives me so many more ideas than what I did. Finally I started the project really well but it seem to dip towards the end and I think this could tell in my project itself.

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